Discover the power within you through the art of martial arts
II BULLS Muay Thai
Muay Thai is a traditional Thai style of Martial Arts. Muay Thai helps to develop a Healthy Body, Strong Mind and a Courageous Soul. You will learn the importance of Patience and Perseverance, Care and Common Sense and the Awareness of one's own mistakes. The Thai spirit of this Martial Arts is expressed through Resilience, Disicpline, Loyalty and Honour. Muay Thai is a form of self defence and is encouraged to be used only as a last resort, unless you are in the ring. It requires Committment, Dedication and Focus to learn this art. Along with these values, Muay Thai teaches one important value above all else. RESPECT. Respect for yourself and others, Time, Knowledge and the Environment in which you are in. These values are always encouraged. Muay Thai is more than just a form of fighting. It teaches you that your Body, Mind and Soul are one. It becomes a lifestyle rich in these values and beliefs.
Improved Self-Defense Skills, Physical Fitness and Mental Strength
Learn effective self-defense techniques to protect yourself and others in real-life situations. You will improve your cardio, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance. You will learn how to maintain focus and build resilience to get you through situations in class and in life.
The key values in Muay Thai are RESPECT, LOYALTY, HONOUR AND DISCIPLINE. These values are important for every person to have whether they do Muay Thai or Not. Learning to Respect yourself and others. Have the Discipline to push through, even when things get tough. Be Honorable by being humble and owning one's mistakes and learning to leave your ego behind. These Values are important in every aspect of your life.
Children enjoy doing Muay Thai. It is not only great for their health and physical fitness, but it also helps them develop in so many other areas. It helps to build their Self Confidence, Social Skills and Mental Strength. They will learn the importance of Respect. Respect for themselves, other people, teachers, parents, teammates, rules etc. They learn to control their ego and be humble. Having Resilience and Discipline to continue on even when it is hard. These skills are invaluable for them to have for now and into the future.
I began my journey with Muay Thai over 12 years ago, as a way to better my physical health. It didn't take long before I fell in love with the techniques, history and values of this incredible sport. I have worked with children and troubled youths for over 20 years, and it is something I am very passionate about. So bringing the two together is a dream of mine. I was fortunate enough to have a coach that I admired and respected as I learnt this art. It was him that taught me that Muay Thai is more than just fighting, its values are something we should strive to follow. These values are what makes us respectable, confident and honorable people. Someone people will want to look up to. I wish to pass this invaluable knowledge onto the younger generation to help them empower themselves and to become disciplined, respectful members of the community. At the same time as keeping and passing on my mentor's knowledge and legacy to the young warriors coming through.
Martial Arts has always been a passion of mine. I started in Karate at 4 years of age, learning the fundamentals and moving up through the grades. I then moved on to Zen Do Kai, BJJ and Taekwondo. I loved learning everything I could in these Martial Arts and then 2 years ago I decided to try Muay Thai. I have not looked back since. The skills of using all eight limbs is so impressive and addictive. The Values that go along with this Martial Art are ones I feel everyone should live by in their day-to-day life. The traditions behind this sport are mesmerizing and they empower you to want to better yourself. I am still learning more and more about the techniques and values from my coach, who is passing it on to me from his coach. To be a part of that legacy, is a beautiful thing. I wish to pass on what knowledge I have to the next generation and keep that legacy alive. I have worked with children of all ages and enjoy helping them to learn and grow. Watching as they become more confident and resilient everyday.
Business Hours
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Business Details
II BULLS Muay Thai
ABN: 943286311930
PCYC, 219A James St, Toowoomba City QLD 4350, Australia